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Cera celebrated her 11th Birthday in April with a bowling party with her friends, cake at home (made by Anna, of course), then a sleep over.  I guess she's gotten too big to have her grandparents at her party.
Aimee had her 7th birthday at her cousin Erin's house. We had gotten together to have a meal and Anna thought that would be as good a time as any to have Aimee's birthday. It took her a while to open all her presents because she insisted on reading all her cards, which she did all by herself. Of course, Anna made her Hello Kitty cake.
Dallas turned 5 in December. He just had a family party one evening. I don't think he minded since he received several movies he wanted and the Spiderman cake Anna made for him.
Natalie turned 8 in December. She had a cake and opened presents at home. She wouldn't have her party until Februaary when her and Jacklyn had a joint bowling party.


Jacklyn turned 10 in January. When did she get to big? She is such a beautiful girl. She and Natalie had a joint birthday party in January at the bowling alley and invited all their friends. Those are the next pictures 
The girls had a joint Bowling Alley party with all their friends.